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  • Decorative Painting / Mixed Media

Be Great

December 3, 2016|

Wood Cabinet Stand Was all White - Repainted with the Universe

  • Decorative Painting / Mixed Media

Vintage Circus Train

November 30, 2016|

This train is attached to a wood board and was made out of Altoid tins. There are many small details included in the train. It has [...]

  • Decorative Painting / Mixed Media


November 30, 2016|

There are so many gods, how does one pick which to believe in or not to? I decided to draw Hindu gods due to how colorful [...]

  • Decorative Painting / Mixed Media


November 30, 2016|

I just decided to look up pictures online on my various emotions at the time. Frustration and sadness of being an artist. The struggles of being [...]

  • Decorative Painting / Mixed Media

The City

November 22, 2016|

I'm typically work with fibers and this is a project I started a few years ago to branch out of my usual studio routine. I'm creating [...]

  • Decorative Painting / Mixed Media

Flowers and Love

November 17, 2016|

In celebration of our beautiful planet, I present the beautiful love of the earth. The flowers represent the attraction that we have for one another. No [...]

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Craft BloggerCrochetDecorative Painting / Mixed MediaDuct Tape CraftsEdible Crafts WoodworkingBest SewingGeneral CraftsHome Decor / DIYJewelryKnittingOnline StorePaper Crafts / ScrapbookingQuiltingBaby CraftsYoung Crafter

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