When a friend tragically lost her dog to an accident and she was ready to adopt another one, I thought it would be a nice gesture to send a basket of dog goodies to celebrate the news and welcome the new pup to the family. This gift basket was created in the shape of a dog bone to suit the happy occasion and is a great gift for any dog lover! It’s not only unique, but budget friendly too: all the materials are either repurposed from items on-hand (like the scrap of MDF used for the base and door pulls made into basket handles) or came from the dollar store.
Dowels were glued into the drilled out MDF base and then twine combined with yarn was woven in and out around the dowels. It was finished off with rope, beads, door pull handles that were upcycled with some black paint and rub on foil and finally a ‘D’ charm which stands for ‘Dot’ (the new pup). My friend loved the basket and is now using it to store dog toys. I shared a full step-by-step tutorial on my blog site so other crafters could duplicate it for the dog lover in their life.